
Dasam granth sikhiwiki
Dasam granth sikhiwiki

Then come three abridged translations of the Devi Mahatamya, an episode in the Markandeya Puran, Chandi Chritras: Chandi Chritra I, Chandi Chritra II, Chandi di Var. It contains his Jaap Sahib, the Akal Ustat or praise of the Creator, the Vachitar Natak or Wonderful Drama, in which the Guru gives an account of his parentage, his divine mission, and the battles in which he had been engaged. The main theme of this hymn is to invoke the Almighty to seek his Grance and Blessings for protection in every spehere of life." - Harjinder Singh Dilgeer (The Sikh Reference Book, 1997) Dasam Granth Overview The Dasam Granth contains 1428 pages and is the collection of the writings of the 10th Patshah, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. It is a composition of Guru Gobind Singh Sahib. It is replete with powerful, brilliant and articulate similes." - Harjinder Singh Dilgeer (The Sikh Reference Book, 1997) "CHAUPAI - Literally means a verse or composition of four lines in a specific meter. Chandi Di Vaar has been written in central Punjabi language. The Sikh warriors used to listen to this Vaar during the days of battle. "CHANDI DI VAAR - Ballad of Chandi, written by Guru Gobind Singh Sahib.the theme of this ballad is war between good and evil.

Dasam granth sikhiwiki